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                                Engineering Shortage Occupations
Railway engineers

For jobs that are listed below the person must have a degree with at least 2 years relevant experience from a civil, structures or electrical background. Senior positions in these posts would be expected to have at least 5 years relevant experience.

Railways Planner or Engineer

Railways Modeller

Railway Track Design or Permanent Way Engineer

Communications Engineer

Power Supply Engineer or Electrification Engineer

Structural/bridge engineers

For jobs that are listed below the person must have a degree with at least 2 years relevant experience from a structures background. Senior posts in the jobs listed below would generally require appropriate chartered status and a minimum of 5 years relevant experience.

Structural Engineer

Infrastructure Engineer or Buildings Engineer

Bridge Engineer or Highways Structural Engineer

Transportation and highways engineers

For jobs that are listed below the person must have a transport related degree or a degree with at least 2 years relevant experience from a civil background.

Traffic Engineer or Transport Planner

Transport Modeller or Transport Economist (The applicant would be expected to have experience in multi-model studies & modelling software such as TRIPS, EMME2, QVIEW, SATURN, PEDROUTE or Microsimulation)

Traffic Signal Engineer

Highways Design Engineer or Highways Planning Engineer

Highways Maintenance Engineer

Ground Engineering

Geoenvironmental Engineer

Geotechnical Engineer

Geological Advisor

Geological Analyst

Geological Associate

Geological Engineer

Geologist / Hydrogeologist

Geology / Reservoir Engineer

Geomechanics Engineer

Geophysical Specialist



Geosupport Engineer.

Engineering Geologist

Ground Engineer

Contaminated Land Specialist

Last Updated July 2005


工作签证+家属陪伴签证顺利过关 申请英国商务签证的有关条件
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