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出处: FirstEd , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-5-12
Etiquette 是个法语词,为礼节的意思。
As a British person who takes a lot of this for granted. But you know, it's something that foreign students should really be aware of as social etiquette can be quite tricky. To take something for granted. So let’s find what some people would normally do on different types of social occasion. For example: what do you normally bring to a party as a guest? Who pays when you go out as a group? 英国人很注重礼节,但是对于外国学生来讲,英国的社交利益可能会比较不一样。所以,大家可以了解一下不同的社交场合,礼仪有什么不同。譬如:你最为客人去参加聚会,都应该带些什么?当和大家一起出去用餐时,谁来付账单?
It all depends on the level of relationship. For example, really good friends that you have known for a long time, you just turn up. Just go there, bring yourself, have a bit of fun, be relaxed and there’s no need for you to bring anything. But if you’re less familiar with the host when you’re invited for dinner, then you should bring something. For example, a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers for the hostess, and if there’re any children, you might want to bring a box of chocolates. 英国礼节完全取决于你们的友谊程度。譬如,你们是很好,认识很久的朋友,在聚会的时候,你只要出现,带上你自己,放轻松一起找点乐趣就可以,不需要带任何东西。但是你和邀请你去参加聚会的主人并不是非常熟悉,那你就应该带一点东西,可以是一瓶酒,给女主人的一束花,如果有孩子在的话,也可以带一盒巧克力。
What if you go to a big party with lots of people? People will normally bring wine, drink, sometimes bring food as well. But the person actually hosting would normally provide that as well. Sometimes if you’re having a big barbecue people, around 30 people coming - then you may say “Oh do you want us to bring something?” and you might make a dish or a pudding or a potato dish or a salad and then you’ll all just muck in together. 如果你和很多朋友一起去一个大的聚会呢?人们通常会带上酒,饮料,或者一些食物。但其实聚会的主人通常会提供食物的。有时,如果你是去一个由30人左右参加的烤肉聚会,你可以问一下:“你想让我们也带点食物过去吗?”然后客人就可以做一道菜,布丁,或者土豆菜,或沙拉,大家每人都带一道菜。
Young people, prefer to go out for meals in restaurants. They normally all just split the bill between them and sort of, you know they may say,” just add a tip onto it and then split the bill between us”. 年轻人更喜欢一起去餐馆聚餐。他们通常是把账单平摊,然后说:“账单加上小费,我们平摊好了。”
It kind of depends also on the group that you’re with at the time and how well you know the other people. For example, if you go out with work colleagues and stuff, you’re more likely to divide the costs equally between you. Whereas sometimes if they go out with the brother, or other family members, one of them might just pick up the bill. For birthdays they usually all go out and then the person whose birthday it is doesn't actually pay for their meal. So everybody else splits the bill. If you invite people to your house for birthday and then people will bring you presents, cards and drink, but you have to supply the food.
来源: http://gdify.com
英国社交习俗 1 欧洲国家——英国礼仪(社交礼仪)
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