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  A first or good 2:i degree from a UK university or the equivalent from an overseas university.

  MSc Marketing and Strategy: Degree should be in a relevant business-related subject, ideally with a substantial amount of marketing or strategy.

  MSc Business Analytics and Consulting: A GRE score may also be requested.

  MSc Finance: Degree should be in a relevant subject e.g. finance, economics, or business administration; engineering or other science degrees may also be considered. Good standard achieved in mathematics and statistics, micro- and macro economics and ideally some econometrics at undergraduate level.

  MSc Accounting and Finance: Degree must be in a relevant subject, such as accounting, finance, economics, business administration, engineering, or other sciences. Good standard achieved in mathematics, statistics, accounting, and economics at undergraduate level.

  MSc Finance and Economics: Degree will generally need to be in Economics or have a substantial economics component. You will need to have taken courses in microeconomic and macroeconomic theory at an intermediate level. Some competencies also required in calculus and statistics.

  MSc Finance with Behavioural Science: Degree must be in a relevant subject, such as accounting, finance, economics, business administration, engineering, or other sciences. Good standard in mathematics, statistics, and economics achieved at undergraduate level.

  MSc Financial Mathematics: Degree should be in a relevant subject such as mathematics, engineering, physics or statistics and you may need to research some extra material e.g. probability theory and PDEs.

  MSc Management Science and Operational Research: Some prior training in mathematics at A level or above, e.g. an undergraduate statistics module. Your application should demonstrate your interest in, and commitment to, management science and operational research.


  MSc Accounting and Finance; MSc Business Analytics and Consulting, MSc Management, MSc Management Science and Operational Research: IELTS 7.5, TOEFL (iBT) 109 or equivalent

  MSc Finance; MSc Finance and Economics; MSc Finance with Behavioural Science; MSc Financial Mathematics; MSc Information Systems Management and Innovation: IELTS 7.0, TOEFL (iBT) 105 or equivalent

  MSc Marketing and Strategy: IELTS 8.0 / TOEFL (iBT) 115.




  Applications should be made online at www.warwick.ac.uk/go/pgapply

  For MSc Management, applications should be made online at www.wbs.ac.uk/go/mm-apply


  MSc Finance: November 2011 to February 2012.

  MSc Accounting and Finance; MSc Business Analytics and Consulting; MSc Finance and Economics; MSc Financial Mathematics; MSc Finance with Behavioural Science; MSc Information Systems Management and Innovation; MSc Management; MSc Marketing and Strategy; MSc Management Science and Operational Research:

  Applications welcomed throughout the year from November. We advise applicants to apply as early as possible, ideally before the end of April.

  Applications are welcomed throughout the year from November. We advise applicants to apply as early as possible, ideally before the end of April.


  (2011/12 fees. Please note: fees for 2012/2013 will be published online in spring 2012.)

  MSc Marketing and Strategy: Home/EU: £13,500, Overseas: £18,500

  MSc Management: £18,500

  MSc Accounting and Finance; MSc Finance; MSc Finance with Behavioural Science; MSc Finance and Economics; MSc Financial Mathematics: £22,500.

  MSc Business Analytics and Consulting; MSc Information Systems Management and Innovation; MSc Management Science and Operational Research: Home/EU: £11,500 full-time, Overseas: £16,500 full-time.

  Please visit the fees pages for more information on tuition fees


  WBS scholarships are available. Details of other funding opportunities are available on the Graduate School website: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/graduateschool

  Some scholarships available for self-funding candidates, see WBS website for further information. Other funding opportunities are available on the Graduate School website: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/graduateschool

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