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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  All my life, my feelings and thoughts have come to me in colours and shapes. I began drawing and painting at primary school and showed a talent for mixed media. Like my father, who is an architect, I was able to think about practical things in a creative way. Using glue, paint, and cardboard, I designed my first piece of advertising at age thirteen. It was a colourful poster I created for my uncle’s barbershop, and his customers liked it so much that he kept it on show for years.

  An image, after all, can make all the difference for a company. As a designer, my creations would be an invaluable part of the overall image of the businesses or ideas they represented. I get satisfaction from the knowledge that I am doing something sensible and useful, but with a flair and beauty that is uncommon in the commercial world.

  In addition to graphic design, my other primary interests have always been business and marketing. It is my goal to become a promoter of businesses, possibly helping young entrepreneurs to start out on the right foot when establishing themselves.

  While studying graphic design, I hope to learn how to create powerful company literature, while also nurturing my skills in smaller arenas.

  By combining artistic vision, and my computer skills, I will learn the most effective ways to utilise new techniques and software, such as Adobe Photoshop and Indesign.

  I hope to study a variety of areas of the discipline, including computer-aided design (CAD), printmaking, drawing and advertising. I will then be a marketable, valuable designer, who can serve many purposes in a variety of circumstances.

  In addition to my career, I hope to use my skills to make the world around me better. I will utilise graphic design to create new artwork for gallery and studio viewing and contribute my work to organisations that educate, advocate, and entertain. I may not see my name in lights, but my ambition is to see my name in publications, on T-shirts, banners and billboards.

  Whilst studying graphic design I will take pride in every piece of work, whether it be an Internet home page or developing a company letterhead.

  Although school occupies most of my time, I still make room for my hobbies, including swimming, jogging, painting and yoga, which help me maintain my inner peace while giving me the tools to cope with stress and to work under pressure. In addition to my outside interests and academic life, my work and volunteer experiences have taught me a great deal about the requirements of business life.

  Through the study of graphic design, I will refine my natural artistic abilities, whilst also learning how to use those gifts in career fields such as business, education, and entertainment. I will also learn to expand my talents to include expertise in packaging, illustration, web design and other valuable media. In this way, a graphic design degree will bridge the gap between mere talent and the ability to turn that talent into achievement and personal fulfilment.


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