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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  My teacher Mrs Barnet first inspired me to pursue a degree in Sociology. Her strong-mindedness and compassion for the underprivileged formed the first of hat would become a combination of several driving forces that influenced my decision.

  I have a great admiration and respect for sociologists and their noble work and recognise the necessity of continuing to try to understand people from different walks of life. Mrs Barnet’s experience and the clarity with which she conveyed her thoughts on the subject have motivated me to apply for this course and take advantage of every opportunity possible at university. Along the way, I hope to gain the knowledge to make a difference.

  I have deep convictions about social injustices; racism, sexism, and prejudices of all kinds infect our communities.Although I see the behaviour and nderstand the need to change it, one must understand the root of the problem before addressing the symptoms.By studying sociology, I hope to find the answers to some of the conflicts that arise between persons of different nationalities,ethnicities, and backgrounds, and to discover how to ease these conflicts through education, open dialogue, and even policy changes.

  On a personal level, a degree in Sociology will empower me to become the person of action I have always wanted to be. As an activist or civil rights advocate, I could use my knowledge and experience to educate the public rather than simply argue or exert pressure upon them to do what is right.

  On a professional level, this study would provide me with a solid base for any career that works with groups of people and their collective behaviour. One option I have considered is follow my activist leanings by working with an advocacy group or a legal firm that specialises in social justice.

  Agencies and firms such as these play an extremely important role in our increasingly complex society. Protecting the rights of individuals and advocating on behalf of the uneducated and nderprivileged requires an intense passion that I could bring to the field. I look forward to discovering something new everyday that will present me with different perspectives on values and change my viewpoint of the world. In addition to preparing me to help bring about social will help me to better comprehend the changes that occur daily in the world.

  A degree in Sociology would give me the solid foundation needed for me to chase my dream of contributing to society.I believe that I must apply my convictions to do my part in improving relations only through education and understanding can human society eradicate the injustices that plague us on a daily basis. While I aspire to affect people as Mrs Barnet influenced me, I also think that mixing in my drive and enthusiasm will add to my success personally, academically and professionally.


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